My database is set up. My table is set up. Now it's time to add some data. There are 2 main ways we can do it - add data from an external file, or add data with Python.
Adding data from an external file
A colleague of mine introduced me to a website - Kaggle. You can download datasets in a few different formats from this site which is pretty amazing! I found one for cat breed characteristics. I don't put much stock in breeds and that sort of thing, but I thought it would be a nice data set to use.
In SQL Shell(psql) |
Data printed to the terminal |
Input data with Python
Back in my Python file I inserted a new entry into the table and printed it to the terminal by querying that entry using it's primary key, BREED_NAME.
There are of course several different ways you can execute both options. You could insert data from a csv file into the database using code rather than shell commands. You could ask for user input instead of hardcoding data insertions into the table each time. But to me, those are essentially just variations of adding data from a file and adding data using code.
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