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Showing posts from October, 2019

Crippling anxiety

I feel really anxious. The more I learn, the more I realise I don't know anything. I could have just learnt something, and yet, when I do the drill required of me, I take forever. I guess I went through a similar rollercoaster of emotions when I first learnt to paint. It takes me awhile to give myself a pep talk to convince myself to press on. This is really putting a dent in my confidence. Or should I say, blasting a gaping hole. I am constantly questioning myself. Can I really do this? Do I have the aptitude? It is not that I don't have the interest. I actually do find programming quite interesting. I do wonder if there will ever come a day when I will feel confident doing it. Right now, I just want to curl up in a ball of self pity.

Catastrophic Failure!!!!

A little difficult not to take this personally πŸ˜„

What the Forloop?!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you use a for loop in Django without actually knowing what the hell you're doing. Hello single letter html code 😸😸😸