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Showing posts from July, 2019


I feel like one of the little kiddos I teach online! Though I'm probably considerably more excited about learning to make shapes than they are :) I learnt to make triangles from CSS Tricks . Credit where credit is due. I learnt to make circles(while making buttons) some time ago on one of the coding courses I did online. I never actually played around with it until today. I moved my shapes around the page using the CSS declarations of ' position: absolute ' and ' top/bottom/right/left: x px '. It has actually helped me better understand how div elements work and how to play around with the layout. I'm glad I sidetracked from my programming course to do this. Perhaps I should set aside a day every week for sidetracking and personal projects. HTML CSS stylesheet part 1: Triangles CSS stylesheet part 2: Circles CSS stylesheet part 3: Squares

4am discoveries

Just when I was feeling sorry for myself while looking at all this CSS and wondering how in the world I would be able to come up with it on my own, I come across something amazing! I got to know about Free Code Camp from a lady I met at a WWCode(Women Who Code) meetup. I've been making my way through it when I come across a penguin drawn entirely out of HTML and CSS. WHUUUUUUUT! As someone who loves drawing, painting, and all that creative stuff, this sounds so fun! Shapes, shapes, shapes, here I come! Funky mural in Portland

Hello HTML, my new friend

It's been awhile since I've blogged. I've been inspired to start it up again by listening to the Codenewbie podcast. I suppose it's a good way for me to keep track of my progress, or lack thereof. After months years of searching for something new to learn, I've finally given in and started playing around with coding. I purchased a full stack web development course on Zenva several months ago and tried teaching myself. It was a real struggle. It took me a long time to get through the classes. At times, even after much googling, I wasn't sure what I was doing. So, I finally decided to take the plunge and join a bootcamp. It's been great so far. It feels really good to learn something new and challenging after so many years of just riding planet earth and drifting through space. I do worry that my investment will not bear fruit, but I suppose that it is up to me to make sure that doesn't happen. The struggle with imposter syndrome is all too real. This ...