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Showing posts from November, 2019

Fixing it

Today, the first day of 6 weeks of live projects. Trying to figure out how to use SendGrid in C#'s .net framework. I was following the tutorial provided by Microsoft  when I was momentarily held back by red squiggly lines. Googled. Got confused. Stared at the solution some more, and somehow, it began to make sense. The tutorial is old and uses an older version of SendGrid. I had 2 options. Migrate to the latest version or uninstall and install the old version via Package Manager Console in Visual Studio. I'm still trying to figure things out, so I decided to go with the later option and use the older version. The red squiggly lines are gone and I'm feeling just a smidgen more pleased with myself.  Note to self: Do not panic when encountering red squiggly lines.