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Showing posts from August, 2019

Certified CSS Surgeon

I've just been certified as a top notch CSS Surgeon 😹😹😹. Codepip has just officially launched and they're offering CSS Surgeon for free until the 1st of September. I've already finished Flexbox Froggy(Free) and Grid Garden(Also free). I really do enjoy the CSS games on this website. It has helped me better understand CSS. There is still so much to learn. I've been trying to create a simple language learning website and it has been a struggle. I'm using the most simple website layout and yet it's just kicking my butt(I'm looking at you Nav bar). I hope to add some Javascript to make it more interactive in the future. At one point I really wanted to throw in the towel because it felt like I would never get this. It's hard not to give up when there are so many hurdles to cross. Can I really be confident at coding after just a 6 month bootcamp?

Portfolio on GitHub

As part of the bootcamp, I've been building a portfolio website based on a template provided by the school. Honestly, I hate the template. It is hideous. But I guess it's a great starting point for someone who is unsure about what to do. It was also an opportunity for me to practice publishing a website online. Unfortunately, I had to pay for a webhosting service. After submitting my third update to my portfolio website, one of the instructors suggested that I could use GitHub Pages instead. *mindblown* This is amaziiiiing. And it's so simple. When I finally get down to creating my own portfolio from scratch, I am definitely going to put it up on GitHub instead. Also, speaking of GitHub, I'm slowly understanding how GitHub functions. It is taking me awhile. Especially because I don't use many of the functions that are available. I look forward to learning more and becoming a GitHub extraordinaire :D JK


I MUST BE STUPID BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING! I've finally started on my assignment to make a pizza menu using HTML, CSS and JS. It is mainly concerned with vanilla JS. I have done short exercises on how to use the different functions etc. Putting it altogether though, a whole different ballgame! Am I not cut out for this? I'm looking at the cheat sheet and thinking, yes, I understand what is being done.  Because I don't see how I could have come up with this on my own. JS is really kicking my ass. The desire to throw in the towel is all too strong. I even googled "JS is difficult" to see if anyone else is having as much difficulty with it as I am. Do I believe people when they say "Yes, I felt the same way when I started out"? This just might be the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life. *throws a one woman pity party*

What the cuteness is this??

We all have those days where we're doubting ourselves and everything seems so difficult and practically impossible. For me, that was yesterday. When I was trying my best to follow along with the bootcamp's Javascript Tic-Tac-Toe video. I kept thinking to myself, how could I ever come up with this on my own? There are functions within functions and yet more functions everywhere! It's on those days that I particularly need the Codenewbie  for some inspiration. I found out about this most adorable CSS game. Flexbox Froggy is now my new favourite game. It's a great way to kill time and just take your mind off impossible functions. You use CSS to move the little froggies to their lilypads. It reminds me of another game I love- Hoppers . Many an hour has been spent playing that game as well. <3 <3 <3